Saturday, July 7, 2012

Once Upon A Read-A-Thon

So, I've been trying to find a fun event to participate in where I could read a ton of books and discuss them with others as I read them. So thanks to twitter, ta-dah! I found the Once Upon A Read-A-Thon well..readathon at Pure Imagination and signed up.
The books I'm hoping to read since it runs from July 9th to 11:59 on July 11th are:
Saving June
Epic Fail
 I heard about Wanderlove book from Between The Pages and after reading her review, decided to get a copy. 
Saving June came in a surprise package from Harlequin Teen Panel and I can't wait to start it! Epic Fail is a book I heard from one of my best friends but never really found out what it was about until I saw it over at Reading Teen.

The Eyes of the Desert Sand

I've been meaning to read The Eyes of the Desert Sand but like the others, I've found no time to. 
I'll be updating my reading progress on Twitter and on here. (x


  1. Wanderlove is up there as my favorite book of the year!! SOOO good! Good luck getting through your pile!

  2. I hope you get all of them read! Thanks for signing up!

  3. Good picks !
    I really want to read Wanderlove and Saving June- they are all over the blog world however I'm on an amzon ban atm and I can't find them anywhere! Hope you enjoy them!
    I love your blog design!
    Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I'm so excited to read them! :D
      And again, thanks haha (x
