Thursday, March 29, 2012

Book Review: Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman

Title: Babe In Boyland
Author: Jody Gehrman
Author links: Website
Publisher: Dial
Publication Date: February 17th 2011 
Format: Hardback
Summary from Goodreads;
When high school junior Natalie - or Dr. Aphrodite, as she calls herself when writing the relationship column for her school paper - is accused of knowing nothing about guys and giving girls bad relationship advice, she decides to investigate what guys really think and want. But the guys in her class won't give her straight or serious answers. The only solution? Disguising herself as a guy and spending a week at Underwood Academy, the private all-boy boarding school in town. There she learns a lot about guys and girls in ways she never expected - especially when she falls for her dreamy roommate, Emilio. How can she show him she likes him without blowing her cover?
Five stars.
“I sometimes suspect they don't take Dr. Aphrodite very seriously. Which is sad, really. Because what's more serious than love?” 
― Jody Gehrman, Babe in Boyland
I have to admit I didn't really like the cover, however I like how the girl in the picture has a mustache as a disguise. Considering how the main character goes undercover in the story, I thought that was rather clever and unique.

Onto the story line, I admit to never reading about this sort of thing before. A girl undercover, to find out answers to girl's everyday questions. This book was so astounding and phenomenal and awesome, and I'm nowhere done with adjectives to describe this book. I read this in one day, not even a day, probably an hour or two. Gehrman's writing made me feel like I was in the book, just like J.K. Rowling did with her Harry Potter series. I literally felt myself feeling for the character, whatever she felt, I felt. "Nat's" attitude was great, she was sarcastic and hilarious. Oh, let's talk boys. Emilio is probably one of my favorite male characters this year. He's funny, cute, adorably, and totally swoon worthy. I loved how fast paced this book was and I must get my own copy soon since I borrowed this copy.

Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman is a fast-paced, romance filled novel that will make you feel for the character and swoon over the cuteness. If you're looking for a fast, cute read, this is the book for you.

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